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 This is an example of how to use COM-interfaces of Dialing Syntax.  
 The program processes a sentence, and then prints all found syntax groups 

#include "../common/COMSyntaxHolder.h"
#include "../common/utilit.h"

int main(int argc, char* argv[])

                // loading Russian syntax
                CCOMSyntaxHolder        SyntaxHolder;
                if (!SyntaxHolder.LoadSyntax(morphRussian))
                        return -1;

                // processing one Russian sentence (from Graphematics to Syntax)
                if (!SyntaxHolder.GetSentencesFromSynAn("мама мыла раму", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE))
                        return -1;

                // printing all syntax groups

                // going through all sentences
                for(int i = 0 ; i < SyntaxHolder.m_piSentCollection->SentencesCount ; i++ )
                        SYNANLib::ISentencePtr piSent = SyntaxHolder.m_piSentCollection->GetSentence(i);

                        // going through all clauses in this sentence
                        for(int j = 0 ; j < piSent->ClausesCount ; j++ )
                                SYNANLib::IClausePtr piClause = piSent->Clause[j];
                                //  getting the first morphological variant
                                if (piClause->VariantsCount == 0)
                                        printf (" Error! A clause with no morph. variant is found\n"); 

                                // going through all syntax groups
                                for(int k = 0 ; k < piClause->ClauseVariant[0]->GroupsCount ; k++ )
                                        SYNANLib::IGroupPtr piGroup = piClause->ClauseVariant[0]->Group[k];
                                        SYNANLib::IWordPtr piW1 = piSent->Word[piGroup->FirstWord];
                                        SYNANLib::IWordPtr piW2 = piSent->Word[piGroup->LastWord];
                                        printf("(%s %s %s )\n", 
                                                        (const char*)piGroup->TypeStr, 
                                                        (const char*)piW1->WordStr, 
                                                        (const char*)piW2->WordStr


        return 0;

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